Have you ever noticed a couple and wondered why is she with him? It is always intriguing to find out what makes a connection between certain people. Maybe you have met a man, and you cannot stop thinking about him. What is it about him that makes you tick? Many women find men attractive but know quite know why. We all have our own list of attributes that we find hot. Below are some that many of us share.

Social Status:

For countless ages, women have been attracted to men who have power. This may stem from the way society was first interpreted. The violence of society combined with the so-called ‘weakness’ of women made finding a powerful man a necessity of surviving. Those early survival instincts have carried over to modern days.

Sense of Humour:

It is always good to laugh and sharing a bond over humour can be a powerful attribute of attraction. It feels good to laugh. Being constantly entertained by a lover can be enjoyable, especially if all of his attention is always on you. Some women like to have a lot of attention. Sharing a joke is a form of bonding. The downside may be that he never takes anything seriously.


Men who are exciting have many female followers. Ask almost any man in uniform. How attractive are firemen? Having an exciting man around is never dull. These men are almost always in good shape and beautiful. This is also a trait that goes back to our primordial past. Strong, handsome men have always had their choice of women.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6186905


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